The University of Arizona Division of Rheumatology and the University of Arizona Arthritis Center combine their efforts and resources to provide fellows with a rich learning experience in clinical rheumatology as well as research into the diagnosis, pathogenesis, and treatments of rheumatic diseases.

Training Clinicians
Traditional inpatient consulting services in rheumatology are available. Faculty rheumatologists operate teaching clinics in the Banner - University Medicine Clinics as well as the Southern Arizona Veteran's Administration Healthcare facility in Tucson.
We also sponsor unique clinics that travel to some of the local American Indian Nations in Arizona and provide care for the tribal members on these reservations. This is available on a monthly basis for fellows to attend, and is an excellent way to learn, travel, and deliver health care all at the same time. It also offers an in-depth association with the faculty that are attending these clinics.
Grand rounds are held weekly, and include a variety of clinically-based topics. Musculoskeletal radiology conferences held in conjunction with the faculty from the Department of Radiology are also held on a monthly basis. The University of Arizona Arthritis Center members also attend and participate in multiple rheumatology conferences throughout the US and abroad. These experiences allow for unique training in rheumatology, with a broad spectrum of diseases and generous contact with teaching faculty.

Training Scientists
The University of Arizona Arthritis Center has a rich and dynamic group of scientists leading projects ranging from basic to translational science. The Center also operates a strong clinical rheumatology research program.
Our labs focus on various rheumatic and autoimmune diseases. Please visit the research page for a more in-depth view of the research conducted at the University of Arizona Arthritis Center.
For more information, please visit the following pages: