The History of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center
Marci D. Macaraeg, MD, is named the Charles W. and Sophie T. McKenzie Endowed Chair in Pediatric Rheumatology.
Joshua N. Farr, PhD, is named the Ethel McChesney Bilby Endowed Chair in Osteoporosis.
Zong-Ming Li, PhD, is named Associate Director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center; the William and Sylvia Rubin Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Research; Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering; Vice Chair for Research, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery; and Director of the Robert G. Volz, MD, Orthopaedic Research Laboratories.
The Inaugural Southwestern Clinic and Research Institute Endowed Lecture is presented by UCLA Professor Emeritus James S. Louie, MD.
The Inaugural Eric P. Gall, MD Endowed Lecture is presented by Stanford University's Kate Lorig, PhD.
The Southwestern Clinic and Research Institute Endowed Lectureship is established in recognition of over 80 years of research collaboration between the Southwestern Clinic and Research Institute and the University of Arizona Arthritis Center.
The Eric P. Gall, MD Endowed Lectureship is established, honoring UAAC co-founder and former director Dr. Gall for his leadership and service to the University of Arizona and the field of rheumatology.
C. Kent Kwoh, MD, is named Director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center; the Charles A. L. and Suzanne M. Stephens Endowed Chair in Rheumatology, chief of the division of rheumatology and professor of medicine and medical imaging in the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson.
Eric P. Gall, MD, MACP, MACR, co-founder of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center, returns to the UA to become interim director of the Center and to resume teaching in the rheumatology fellowship program as professor of medicine in the UA College of Medicine - Tucson.
John A. Szivek, PhD, director of the UA Orthopaedic Research Laboratory and an UAAC senior scientist, is recognized in April with “Outstanding UBRP Faculty Mentor Award” for his exemplary work with graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Szivek and his students have focused on re-growing the cartilage that covers the bone surfaces of joints. Dr. Szivek awarded a National Science Foundation Grant in June for work in biomechanical load analysis.
Salvatore Albani, MD, PhD, becomes director of the UAAC in January and holds the Charles A. L. and Suzanne M. Stephens Chair for Rheumatology Research. The UAAC and Dr. Albani host a pivotal consensus conference in November to outline an ambitious research program in juvenile arthritis.
Sujata Sarkar, MD, rheumatoid arthritis basic researcher, is recruited from the University of Michigan to open a research laboratory studying TH 17 cells and innate immunity of RA. She receives an NIH Career Development award for five years.
Jeffrey R. Lisse, MD, becomes interim director of the UAAC in February, replacing Dr. Yocum, who joins Genentech, Inc.
Inaugural Eva M. Holtby Memorial Lectureship is held at the UAAC Friends “Conversations and Lunch” in February.
The Saul and Susan Tobin Endowment for Research and Education in Rheumatology is initiated in November.
The William and Sylvia Rubin Endowed Chair for Orthopaedic Research is initiated in April.
Endowed chair for the director of the UAAC and rheumatology arthritis research is established in January through the generosity of Charles A. L. and Suzanne M. Stephens. Charles A. L. Stephens Jr., MD, was one of the first rheumatologists in Tucson and was director of the Holbrook-Hill Medical Group, a leading center for rheumatology care and research. Charles W. and Sophie T. McKenzie Endowed Chair for Pediatric Rheumatology is initiated in April.
The Ethel McChesney Bilby Endowed Chair for Osteoporosis is established in February, 1997.
Eva M. Holtby establishes the Friends of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center in February to build community support.
The University of Arizona Arthritis Center is dedicated on March 11 to Fred and Christine Armstrong; new facility houses ten research laboratories, an auditorium, conference rooms, a library and administrative offices.
Grant from the Lovell Foundation in April helps establish the “Living Healthy with Arthritis” community outreach and education program.
The Mel and Enid Zuckerman Chair for Studies in Psychoneuroendoimmunology – the branch of science that examines how psychological factors such as stress affect the nervous, endocrine (hormone) and immune systems – is established in January to support research, patient care and disease prevention based on the Canyon Ranch model of mind-body therapies.
The William and Sylvia Rubin Chair for Orthopaedic Research is established in January.
The Disability Assessment Research Clinic (DARC) is established in April under the direction of David Wayne Smith, DEd, DABPS, DACFE.
Bank One of Arizona provides a generous gift in July to fund building of the UAAC’s auditorium (UA College of Medicine Room 8403, re-named Chase Bank Auditorium upon Bank One’s merger).
“Roof Breaking” on October 14 begins renovations of the top two floors of University Medical Center to house the UAAC.
Dr. David Yocum is named director of the UAAC.
UAAC begins affiliation with Canyon Ranch, through Mel and Enid Zuckerman, in October to offer integrative arthritis education and therapies.
The UAAC is a seminal site for the NIH Women’s Health initiative, studying risk factors and treatments of osteoporosis related to the use of estrogen replacement.
UAAC begins alliance with Southern Arizona Home Builders Association (SAHBA) in April, through the efforts of SAHBA member and founding UAAC advisory board member Saul Tobin to establish the Lute Olson Celebrity Auction and Golf Tournament to benefit UAAC research.
The Center develops a multidisciplinary research, education and practice model. This successful model is conceived and established by Drs. Jack Boyer and Eric Gall.
A scientific advisory board, consisting of health-care providers, researchers and educators, is developed to set the tone for these activities and to develop interdisciplinary programs.
Fred Armstrong becomes the first chairman of the UAAC advisory board. (In 1991, he and his wife, Christine make the lead gift of $1 million to begin funding construction of the UAAC research facility.)
The Arizona Board of Regents approves establishment of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center (UAAC), with Eric P. Gall, MD, and Robert G. Volz, MD, as founding directors.
The UA College of Medicine among the first 11 institutions in the country to receive an NIH/MAC grant under the National Arthritis Act, laying the foundation for the Arizona Board of Regents/Arthritis Center concept. Dr. Boyer serves as a director of the Arizona MAC. Funding continues for nine years (three cycles). Accomplishments include multidisciplinary research models; self-help course in English and Spanish for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus, and fibromyalgia patients; and development of novel education programs for health-care providers using “standardized patients” (patient instructors), lay people trained in physical exam and medical interview techniques who portray actual patient cases and provide feedback about providers’ communications skills. The Arizona MAC becomes a national resource for multicultural, multidisciplinary activities.
RMP staff and community rheumatologists begin planning for an Arthritis Center at the UA College of Medicine. Testimony is given to the National Arthritis Commission in Tucson in the first of several national hearings. In 1977, the National Arthritis Act is signed by President Gerald Ford. The UA applies for a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Multipurpose Arthritis Center (MAC) grant, under the direction of Dr. Boyer, now chief of the Section of Rheumatology, and Gail Kershner Riggs, MA, CHES, director of education for the RMP.
Orthopaedic surgeon Robert G. Volz, MD, establishes a laboratory for the study of novel total joint replacements at the UA. (Dr. Volz designs the first artificial wrist in 1974, recognized by the American Hospital Association in 1976 as one of the nation’s ten most important hospital advances).
The first board-certified rheumatologist and allergist recruited to the section of Clinical Immunology.
Rheumatologist Eric P. Gall, MD, establishes the rheumatology section at the Tucson Veteran’s Administration Hospital.
Dr. Jacob Pinnas recruited as an allergist with an interest in lupus.
The Southwestern Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, under the leadership of David Wayne Smith, DEd, DABPS, DACFE, and Gail Kershner Riggs, MA, CHES, receives an Arthritis Regional Medical Program (RMP) grant from the federal government.
The Section of Clinical Immunology is established at the UA College of Medicine, with John (Jack) Boyer, MD, serving as chair.
Service to Native American populations in Southern Arizona and New Mexico begins with visits to health-care centers that provide rheumatology care and expands to include programs at tribal hospitals as well as studies of this population.
Southwestern Clinic and Research Institute (SCARI), originally part of the Holbrook-Hill Medical group clinic, moves to the basement of the College of Agriculture building on the University of Arizona campus to perform the first arthritis research projects at the UA.